Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Remedy For High Blood Pressure

Forever Living Products for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

High blood pressure (hypertension) is defined as high pressure (tension) in the arteries, which are the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body.Blood pressure readings are given as two numbers. The systolic blood pressure (the top number) equals the pressure in the arteries as the heart contracts. The diastolic pressure (the bottom number) is the pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80; blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called “pre-hypertension,” and a blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered high while a systolic blood pressure of about 90 to 100 is considered low blood pressure.
Complications of high blood pressure include heart disease, kidney (renal) disease, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), eye damage, and stroke (brain damage).
The causes of hypertension are multifactorial, meaning there are several factors whose combined effects produce hypertension.
  • High salt intake or salt sensitivity: This occurs in certain populations such as the elderly, African Americans, people who are obese, or people with kidney (renal) problems.
  • Genetic predisposition to high blood pressure: People who have one or two parents with hypertension have high blood pressure incidence about twice as high as the general population.
  • A particular abnormality of the arteries, which results in an increased resistance (stiffness or lack of elasticity) in the tiny arteries (arterioles): This increased peripheral arteriolar stiffness 
Blood pressure readings can vary in a single person throughout the day depending on the situation. Factors such as stress, anxiety, foods eaten (caffeine or salt intake), smoking, or exercise can cause pressure to rise.
The American Heart Association defines a normal blood pressure as less than 120/80. Pre-hypertension ranges between 120/80 and 139/89, and high blood pressure is 140/90 and higher. In pregnancy normal blood pressure should be below 120/80.
If your blood pressure reaches into the high range, you should see your doctor about lifestyle modification and possibly medication especially if you have other risk factors, such as diabetes or heart disease.
High blood pressure (for example, 180/110 or higher) may indicate an emergency situation. If this high blood pressure is associated with chest pain, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, or back or abdominal pain, seek medical care immediately. If you are experiencing no associated symptoms with a high blood pressure reading such as this, re-check it again within a few minutes and contact your doctor or go to an emergency room if it is still high.
If your blood pressure is lower than about 100/60 you may have low blood pressure, depending on the associated symptoms. If you are unsure, check with your doctor.
High blood pressure may not have any symptoms and so hypertension has been labeled “the silent killer.” Longstanding high blood pressure can lead to multiple complications including heart attack, kidney disease, or stroke.Some people experience symptoms with their high blood pressure. These symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Blurred vision
  • Feeling of pulsations in the neck or head
  • Nausea

What are the potential risks and complications of untreated high blood pressure?

Complications of hypertension are often referred to as end-organ damage because damage to the organs is the end result of chronic (long duration) high blood pressure.High blood pressure increases the risk of developing:
  • Heart disease: Increased workload on the heart from pushing against the high blood pressure can cause enlargement of the heart muscle, heart failure, coronary artery disease, and cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Kidney disease: High blood pressure damages the filtration system within the kidneys causing proteins to spill out into the urine. These proteins cause further damage to the kidneys and can lead to kidney failure.
  • Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis): Increased pressure through the arteries and arterioles causes damage to the inner walls of the blood vessels, resulting in hardened arteries.
  • Increased risk of aneurysms: Increased pressure can also cause stretching or dilation of the blood vessels, which can result in aneurysms.
  • Eye damage: The sensitive tissues within the eyes are prone to damage from high blood pressure.
  • Stroke: Both the hardening of the arteries and the dilation of the blood vessels due to high blood pressure can lead to strokes.

Use natural food supplements from Forever Living Products for treatment of hypertension or high blood pressure


Aloe Vera Gel;   Forever Aloe is grown and cultivated with care. It ensures the highest quality plant possible. Aloe Vera is the nature’s best gift as it proves to be the health benefits many times. This miracle plant isn’t just the inspiration but the basis behind our ever-evolving skin care, nutrition and personal care product lines.

Aloe Vera Gel is the smart and excellent solutions to all the problems in your body. You can’t even imagine how it is beneficial for you. It is a boon for all of us. It is a natural detoxifier that removes toxins from your body. Aloe vera gel removes all the toxins or chemicals from your body. It is the first step of this unique gel. We eat junk food like pizza, burger in our daily life. You know this junk food creates toxins or chemicals in our body. It is the primary reason for the blockage in a body.

It first softens the toxins or chemicals of your intestines. You will be amazed to hear that it contains more than 200 nutritional components. It balances the nutrition value in your body. After removing the toxins and chemicals, it proceeds to the third step. The third important step is that it regenerates the cells in your body. Today, every second person has suffered from the unbalanced digestive system. The reason is eating unhygienic and junk food.

It is the most important duty of this unique and smart aloe vera gel. If you have any problem related to the digestive system, It is the best option for you. You know, most of the people have blockage problem in their body. My father is one of them who had suffered from blockage. In March 2017, he was suffered from cardiac arrest, and there were many blockages in his body. Doctors used the stents to remove all these blockages. It was a very painful time! I didn’t know about the forever aloe vera gel at that time. But, from now, my father takes this miracle gel every morning, and his sugar level is better than before. We haven’t checked his BP yet, but I hope his BP would be healthy too. Aloe Vera Gel removes all the blockage from your body and keeps you healthy and fit. t boosts your immunity and reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

It supports your Immune System. So, drink it on a regular basis.
It delivers calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, chromium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and copper.
It cleans your digestive system by boosting energy.
It comes with 8 essential amino acids.
It provides rapid relaxing by boosting fibroblast function. It helps in calm minor cuts, burns, and scratches.
It boosts your immunity and reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
It helps in reducing stretch marks of your body.
With so many beneficial features, it proves to be a boon in our daily life.

FOREVER GARLIC THYME:    Garlic is a powerful antioxidant when combined with thyme, the benefit doubles. Thyme contains tannin, phenol and thymol apart from other antioxidant substances. These helps to protect our cells from the damaging effects of free radicals that we are exposed to daily.

Garlic helps to support healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure, Patients with high blood pressure and hypertension should eat Forever Garlic Thyme daily. The component known as allicin contained in it is useful in normalizing high BP. Many have been relieved with the symptoms of high blood pressure due to the regular consumption of garlic thyme.

It not only regulates blood circulation but also protects against various types of cardiac problems and all the functions of your liver and bladder are also properly done. Its regular intake is also beneficial for those whose blood is much thicker. It prevents the situation of blood clotting, helps in diluting the blood and helps in smooth blood flow.

Forever Garlic Thyme is used by several herbalists all over the world. It’s enriched with several enzymes that are terribly useful for proper body functioning. It filters the blood while maintaining the blood circulation in the body.

Garlic contains allicin and sulfur compounds. These helps to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Also, ajoene in garlic helps to reduce blood clotting (by reducing platelet stickiness), in turn, supporting a healthy blood pressure level.

Garlic helps to keep your immune system healthy. Traces of mineral, salenium (which is an antioxidant), germanium and allicin (naturally powerful antibiotic) helps to boost the body's immunity levels.

Garlic for respiratory benefit, Garlic is beneficial for those suffering from asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs and other respiratory infections.
Garlic helps convert fats into energy. Also Garlic is a good source of Vitamins C, B, salenium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and calcium as well.

ARCTIC SEA:     Arctic Sea - Omega-3 rich in two substances (EPA and DHA), are important elements that help in lowering the harmful cholesterol level and the triglyceride as well decreasing the risk of artery blockage. Omega-3 fats supports cardiovascular health by cleaning the arteries. It is an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid found in salmon and other cold-water ocean fish. Omega-9 is the unsaturated fatty acid found in vegetable products. it has been shown to support heart health, cognitive function, eye health, and healthy joints. The Worldhealth Organisation and American Heart Association recommended the consumption of of Omega-3's EPA and DHA to help maintain heart health, hence affirming that Arctic Sea Omega-3 can help keep your heart healthy for years to come.
More health benefits of Arctic Sea Omega-3 are; It helps regulate and normalise blood pressure (effective for hypertensive cases). If your blood pressure is low, it will bring it up, and if it is high it will bring it to normal level. Lowers cholesterol. Improves blood circulation, varicose veins,burning feet, prostate problems. Helps relieve symptoms of Arthritis, widespread pain in the joints, muscles and tendons, rheumatism, osteoprosis, and gout. Beneficial for diabetic patients.

FOREVER CARDIO HEALTH:     Forever Cardio Health contains heart supporting herbal extracts, Minerals, Lecithin and anti-oxidant Vitamins that increase the levels of CoQ10. For maximum benefit, mix forever cardio health with your daily glasses of Aloe Vera Gel. By this you successfully equipped your system with adequate vitamin B6, B12, Folic acid, Vitamin C and E as well as minerals such as magnesium, Chromium and Lecithin. Very good for: heart conditions, For keeping the heart and Blood vessels clean and healthy.
Cases of blood vessel disorders, It supplies minerals; magnesium, chromium and lecithin; known for its blood vessel lubricating and fat mobilizing properties, thereby reducing blood cholesterol [ LDL]. Supplies CoQ10 to promote efficient cell function; preventing weakness of the heart. It promotes healthy homocysteine level, due to the presence of Vitamin B6, B12, and Folic acid; thereby prevent heart attack


      For Just N46,500 only; 

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This OFFER IS OPEN for the Next 5 Days only!



                                    FILL THIS FORM BELOW               


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1) Name 2) Delivery Address 3) Contact Number 4) Preferred Date of Delivery. SMS to 09037917269 

E.G 3 In 1, Bukky Ajayi,No 21, Opeoluwa Street, Ikorodu North LGA, Lagos,09037917269,Saturday, 16th of March

Our agent will call you within 24 hours to confirm your order before we send it across to you.
Do please respond to our SMS as soon as you receive it.
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Experience a happier, healthier, and high blood pressure free life
           Mr Ibukun
Call, Text, Chat: 09037917267

Monday, June 3, 2019

Natural Solution To Fertility Problems


I know exactly how you feel as it happened to me. I was told by 3 different fertility specialists that I was in early menopause, had no eggs left and that my only chance of having a baby was to use a donor egg or adopt ...Against the odds, I got pregnant naturally with a healthy baby boy at the age of 40. You can fall pregnant too!


Read my Story...
At the time my journey into fertility began, I was in my late 30s. I had realized that if I wanted to have a child, it was going to have to be “now or never”.
I was busy relocating to South Africa from Nigeria and my husband and I had decided that we would start trying for a baby as soon as possible after having moved.
Unlike most couples with fertility issues, we hadn’t yet even tried to fall pregnant. So because of my age, I went to a renowned fertility clinic, for fertility tests, to see exactly what was going on with my body.
I had always had the regular gynaecological check-ups, but I wanted to have more thorough tests, to be sure that everything was in order.

I never expected the bad news – the worst possible news, delivered early in the morning on Christmas Eve 2015 – “I’m sorry, but your test results confirm that you have NO eggs left, you are in premature menopause and the only options left to you of having a baby are either using a donor egg or adoption”
I fainted from the shock and when I came round, I found a nurse standing there, stroking my cheek and with a cup of tea in the other hand. She said: “…you will go through a mourning period and when you are ready, you can chat to the doctor about our donor egg program”
I said: “I’m sorry, I refuse to believe it, that’s ridiculous, I WILL have a baby and I have to get out of here right now!”; I drove to my parents; home in tears, feeling as if my world had come to an end. The first thing my mother said to me was: “Don’t listen to the bad news! Don’t believe it.”; In my heart, I actually didn’t.
I also didn’t really understand the meaning of my diagnosis, printed out on the doctor’s letterhead in medical terminology, so I began to do research and take action immediately. Taking action makes you feel much better. It takes you out of the victim role , puts you into survival mode and helps you to regain your personal power and strength.
After doing an extensive amount of research and putting everything that
I uncovered into action, I was sure that my fertility situation had changed.
I made an appointment with a new fertility specialist, this time in South Africa.
This specialist seemed a lot more positive initially, especially after seeing that my FSH levels had gone down substantially. I proceeded to go through a whole new batch of fertility tests, a repeat of what I had already gone through here in Nigeria, as well as a number of new, more advanced tests.
Feeling a lot more positive, I was not expecting the news that I received next: “I’m very sorry to tell you that your test results indicate that you are not a candidate for IVF, as we are not sure how many eggs you still have and the ones you may have are most likely of a very poor quality.
We don’t think you will respond to hormone treatment either. There is, however a very slim chance that you could fall pregnant naturally, your FSH levels have dropped, but it is highly unlikely. We won’t take you on as a patient as we feel it will be a waste of time and money”;
"I was of course devastated once again. I had really believed that after everything I had been doing I would at least be able to start an IVF program."
I started looking at other fertility clinics as options & was more determined than ever to have my baby. I continued doing research as it was the only way I was able to feel hope. At last! I found it.
Now, before i reveal to you what i discover, see below a few of the testionials from people who have used even before me.

Below are some few testimonials!

So now that you have read the different testimonials about this product, so here is:JUST EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED...

Introducing Well Researched Plants And Fruits Extract For Optimum Fertile Health "The Most Powerful Natural Supplement For Fertile Health:

FERTILITY BOOST FOR WOMEN is a Fertility Natural Supplement that helps you eliminate all toxins from the body and prepare the uterus for fertilization while also ensuring that the whole reproductive system is working perfectly and in the right state. FERTILITY BOOST FOR WOMEN is made up of strictly natural ingredients.

Has No negative side effects and detoxifies you as well.

FERTILITY BOOST FOR WOMEN is a Natural Fertility Health pack and it contains the following components:
  • Aloe Vera Gel: Detoxifies every of your reproductive organs and rid it off every harmful substances that can hinder it from performing at optimal level.
  • Vitalize For Women:Helps and ensures the free and unhindered transportation of sperm cell to the uterus without any difficulty. It eradicate any foreign property along the way that may cause damage to the sperm cells.
  • Royal Jelly: Exclusive triggers the proper development of the ovary which is needed to create fertile and healthy eggs in the female reproductive organ
  • B-12: An highly effective herbal blend which include vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help preserve regular urinary flow, support optimal reproductive health and maintain healthy uterine function.
These products has the prestigious Kosher Seal (which makes it acceptable to the Jews). The Jews don’t take anything that isn’t 100% natural. Infact, they don’t even take bread with yeast! They believe in no additives.

It has other national and international seals which include but not limited to the;
  • The Halal Seal
  • The Islamic Seal Of Approval
  • The International Aloe Science Society

“Okay, I’m Convinced! But How Much is It Going To Cost Me To Get Fertility Boost for Women Delivered to me at my doorstep?”
Now let me ask you a question: What is your value for getting your self-confidence, your self worth and making you and your partner happy again thereby restoring your marriage.

Have you ever taken time to think about it. If you finally grab this Most Effective, Result Oriented Natural Pregnancy Therapy and you are finally able to;
Treat All Forms of Infertility

For infertility associated with males like the low sperm count, poor sperm motility, premature ejaculation, poor sexual drive, the Fertility Boost for Male is also available for the same price with that of the female.

 What You Stand To Get With This Incredible Solution

You will never have to complain about being unable to get pregnant.

 You will never have to complain about irregular period
You will never have to complain about pelvic infectionsYou will never have to complain about low sexual drive. You will never have to complain about hormonal imbalances.
You will never have to complain about ovulation problems.
You will never have to complain about Miscarriage.
You will never have to complain about infertile eggs.
Infertility will be a thing of the past for you forever.

Before you answer that question, I want you to consider the value of what you are getting. It will save you lots of time and efforts and will finally put a smile on your face.It will save you your marriage and help you get back your husband affections and love just like you have always wanted.

I have spent a huge amount of time and money when I was researching to get you everything you need. That is why I'm giving you this Fertility Boost For Women at a very discounted Price.

Fertility Boost For Women@ The Discount Price: 

NIGERIA =  N37,500   N59,500
GHANA  =  GHC750      GHC950

Open for just 5 days Only. DAMN LUCKY !
I have decided to Keep this OFFER OPEN TILL:
June 9, 2019  
After now, Anyone Interested Might Have To Pay Up ToNigeria=N59,500 And Ghana=GHC950

Here Is How To Order For Your "Fertility Boost for Women" 
Nigeria= N37,500
Ghana  =750GHC

Take advantage of this Special Price Offer through our Payment-On-Delivery Service if you reside in any of the countries listed above.The product will be delivered to you at you choice delivery address, and then you will make payment on point of delivery to the delivery person on the point of delivery

To Order, Send the Following Information:
1. Your Name
2. Delivery Address
3. Preferred Date Of Delivery
4. Phone Number

SEND AS SMS TO: 09037917267



My 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!!! 
I am 100% confident that the Fertility Boost Kit will work for you, and I say go ahead and get it.

You see, I can make an Iron – Clad Guarantee like this because it has worked for so many people and yours will not be an exception.
It has changed hundreds of people’s live, and I know it will DEFINITELY change yours!
It has changed and restored homes and marriages and it will restore yours. it’s as simple as that.

So what are you waiting for?
Don't delay, go order for your Fertility Boost Kit right away. Also, remember that the price will go up anytime from now. GO PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW!!! , you no longer have any excuse. I wish you success in conceiving very soon.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr Ibukun
|Health Educator & Researcher|
Call,SMS: 09037917267 

P.S. - Right now, you don't have any excuse not to get pregnant naturally and solve your infertility problems and safe your marriage.
Do not continue to undergo the psychological torture having tried almost everything without success. Now you have a big chance to turn around your situation, and you can finally raise your kids and live happily

P.S.S Don't forget, not only am I giving up 32% DISCOUNT to deliver to you this Amazing Natural Fertility Transformation, but I've also used these same program to help other people make a ton of transformation. If you reside in Nigeria Or Ghana the Fertility Boost Pack can be delivered to you for PAYMENT-ON-DELIVERY. So just order your pack now to become the next success story.

P.P.S.S Here's the bottom line - this is on sale for a few days only after which I'm closing it permanently. No hype, no marketing tricks, when it's gone, it's gone for good. If you don't pull the trigger on this right now, you'll miss out forever.
Get started now. Order Your Fertility Boost Pack Now!!!

DISCLAIMER: "FERTILITY BOOST PACK  is a marketing name only. Every single components mentioned above are packed inside the DELIVERY box and hence, if you do not see FERTILITY BOOST PACK written on the pack, please don’t be afraid.